Cheapest incubator in Kenya

Cheapest incubator in Kenya

There are numbers of egg incubator available in market  EggincubatorKenya are one of the best and cheapest incubator in Kenya with automatic features and best price.  EggincubatorKenya  incubators have features like automatic egg turning , automatic temperature control , automatic humidity control , fully led digital control , high air flow , fresh air ventilation duck and lost more.   EggincubatorKenya egg incubator price list 

Egg Incubator CapacityPrice (includes shipping , Packaging cost ) in Ksh
64 eggs incubator in plastic body 15000 /-
128 eggs incubator in plastic body 20000 /-
128 eggs capacity in metal body35000 /-
192 eggs capacity in Plastic body29000 /-
256 eggs capacity in plastic body35500 /-
300 eggs capacity in metal body51500 /-
528 eggs capacity in metal body55000 /-
1056 eggs capacity in metal body69500 /-
1500 eggs hatching machine in metal body100,000 /-

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