Solar Powered Egg Incubator PDF Manual

Solar Egg Incubator Price in Kenya

  1. Set up the incubator and position the solar panel in a sunny location. Make sure it is level and stable.
  2. Connect the solar panel to battery and hook up the incubator to the battery according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Fill the water reservoir in the incubator with clean water. The incubator has 3 cups for refilling water after every 2-3 day
  4. Turn on the power switch.
  5. Check the temperature and humidity levels on the display panel. Adjust the temperature and humidity levels to the desired range for the type of eggs you are incubating.
  6. Wait for the temperature and humidity levels to stabilize before placing the eggs in the incubator.
  7. Place the eggs in the egg tray provided, with the pointed end down and the blunt end up. Do not overcrowd the tray or the eggs may not hatch properly.
  8. Close the incubator lid and make sure it is securely latched.
  9. Monitor the temperature and humidity levels regularly and adjust as needed.
  10. Wait for the eggs to hatch according to the incubation time for the species you are hatching.
  11. Once the eggs have hatched, remove the chicks and transfer them to a brooder.

Some additional tips for using a solar-powered egg incubator:

  • Make sure the solar panel is positioned to receive maximum sunlight throughout the day.
  • Clean the incubator regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other contaminants.
  • Keep the incubator out of direct sunlight to avoid overheating the eggs.
  • Do not open the incubator frequently as this can cause fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance to ensure the incubator functions properly.